2/22/2012 – Three Generations

Last night I got some good time spent with Smiles and Nana. Abuelo (grandpa) had to work late so I says to Nana…”wanna go eat with me and S?”, Nana say “Yes!” So off we go to YC’s, not sure what that stands for but I’m pretty sure the Y stands for YUMMY! It’s a mongolian grill…it’s a chain. I know! People who know me think, why are you at a chain? ….some chains you just can’t resist sometimes! Starbucks, Pei Wei, Rubios to name a few.

Anyhow…Smiles was not into YC’s. It may have been because I accidentally made mine too spicy <darn it>. Oh well….but he did enjoy is ice cream cone, san ice cream, haha. On the way home he watched his alphabet leap frog movie. He’s so stinkin cute when he watches that. He’s so serious face and then you grab his attention and he gives you this sly side smile. I swear I need to rig a video camera in my car sometimes just to catch this on camera.

**Note to self: Maybe Mr. 72 can rig something up for me? …ask.

We got home pretty clsoe to bedtime for Smiles but since I’m a guilty single mom and I only get to see him half the week…I let him stay up late so we can play. He’s getting to be so smart, so funny! I asked my mom at dinner if I was a goofy kid and she looks at me like I should already know that answer…good point! He listens too…but he tests me. I tell him “no touch” and he back over to it, holds, and then tempts me to say it again. It’s so hard not to laugh. I say “no touch” again and he runs away fake screaming. Me thinks he thinks this is a game. Funny now but may turn to uno problemo later! Oh well, right now I’m completely enjoying watching him learn, test me and process what this great big world is all about. I think sometimes as a single parent, your guilt can get to you and you tend to let things slide that you probably wouldn’t normally. I personally think it’s ok and even though it doesn’t make my guilt go away…it does cause me and Smiles to have more quality time together. I’ll take it!